The process of creating a local partnership on the territory of municipality Avren and municipality Beloslav, with a total population of 19,843 inhabitants, which will grow into the establishment of local action groups based on the specific needs and potential of both municipalities, as well as their vision for development of the area. The formation of local partnerships as an informal grouping for the realization of joint activities and responsibilities in implementing the project under sub-measure 19.1 "Help for preparatory activities" of measure 19 "Community-led local development" from the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014 -2020, supported by the European agricultural Fund for rural development (EAFRD) was initiated by representatives of stakeholders from the private sector, civil society and NGOs, supported by the mayors of municipalities Avren and Beloslav. The unification of the two municipalities is conditioned also by the fact that they have a common and continuous boundary, homogeneity and interests.
Avren municipality was chosen as the leading partner in local partnership and a candidate for financial assistance for the project, as besides experience in the implementation of projects financed by various European structural and investment funds it has the administrative capacity, implemented best practices for financial management and control of public funds, and resources that will be available to provide quality and timely execution of all activities.
There is mutual interest for activities to achieve the goals of sub-measure 19.1, namely: support the process of establishing Local Action Group and support for gaining skills and building capacity for the operation of such a group at the local level; support the process for the preparation of multi-fund Strategy for community-led local development financed by more than one European fund; support for informing the local population about the possibility of financing the strategy by more than one fund; encouraging the involvement of local communities in the development and future implementation of the Strategy for Community-led local development to support the promotion of local identity.
The creation of "Local Action Group Avren-Beloslav" is a chance for underdeveloped municipalities to aid in the process of creating jobs and reducing the depopulation of rural areas; development of alternative economic activities and innovative approaches or productions; overcoming the imbalance by supporting subjects in the implementation of small projects. The design and implementation of a Strategy for community-led local development is directed towards sustainable development in various sectors of the two communities by uniting and mobilizing human and financial resources from public, private and civil sectors in the implementation of joint projects, bringing together local stakeholders around common projects and multi-sectorial activities to achieve synergy with regard to implementation of the approach of Community-led local development.
The need, the possible role and the expected impact of the formation of a LAG is focusing on uniting the partners from the three sectors that can contribute to rural development in the municipalities of Avren and Beloslav: farmers, processing undertakings,entities engaged in the sphere of tourism, representatives of local NGOs, social and cultural institutions and local authorities. Long-term benefit is expected from the established in the process partnerships, collaboration and skills of planning at the local level. The motives for building the LAG within the meaning of European Union policy for rural areas are: activation of residents of the two communities for the identification of their own resources - human, natural, economic and cultural-historical; successful development of the priorities of the Strategy for Community-led local development, whereas the future recipients of the subsidies themselves to show the necessary activity and apply their conceptual proposals or complete projects.
Key project activitiesof the project:
Establishment of a public-private partnership;
Promoting the approach of Community-led local development (CLLD) and the process of developing a Strategy for CLLD;
Training of local leaders and stakeholders;
Research and analysis of the territory;
Preparation of the strategy for CLLD including consultation of the local community in conjunction with the preparation of the Strategy;
Coordination of the preparatory activities.
Contract for the provision of grants with Reg. No. RD50-181 of 12.07.2015, concluded between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAF) State Fund "Agriculture" (SFA)and Avren Municipality (Leading partner).
Project cost: 57 054, 90 BGN
Implementation period: 9 months